Source-Connect Pro and Pro X 3.9 Certification Course
Course Information
In this online course, you will learn about using Source-Connect Pro and Pro X 3.9 in a professional context, including lessons on networks, Q Manager, and using Source-Connect with your DAW via both Source-Connect Link and Source-Nexus.
This course is written for audio engineers, but is also useful for voice over artists and other talent.
Course time: 4-7 hours
Course requirements: The course content is browser based, so can be completed on a computer, phone, or tablet. However a computer is recommended for the end of course exam.
Course date: This online course can be done on any date, and there is no time limit for completion. After your purchase, please allow time for our team to complete your enrolment. If you haven’t heard from our team within 48 hours please email support@source-elements.com
Lesson Content:
- Understanding Source-Connect Pro and Pro X
- Using Source-Connect with your DAW
- Networks for Source-Connect Users
- Q Manager
- Best Practices for Source-Connect
Exam and Certificate
When you have completed the lessons and quizzes, there is an online exam in two parts.
Once you have passed the exam you will receive a personalised certificate that you can download and print, or display online.
Source-Connect Studio Certification Yearly System Check:
This optional extra is only available to those who have completed a Source Elements online certification course. It will put you in the Certified search results within the Source Elements dashboard, and grant you access to the Source-Connect Certified html button for your website.
When you have completed the course and have used your knowledge to set up Source-Connect and your studio correctly, you may purchase the Yearly System Check here: https://store.source-elements.com/studio-certification-and-yearly-system-check
Optional Lesson Resources
Here are some helpful links relating to topics covered in this course.
Lesson One
- Source-Connect product page: https://source-elements.com/products/source-connect/
- Where to create a Source Elements account: https://dashboard.source-elements.com/create
- Where to create an iLok account: http://ilok.com/
- Where to link your iLok account to your Source Elements account: https://dashboard.source-elements.com/products/
- Support page containing detailed iLok activation instructions for when Source-Connect is first installed: https://support.source-elements.com/show/activating-your-license-with-ilok
- Support page instructions for moving iLok licenses: https://support.source-elements.com/show/how-to-transfer-ilok-licenses-to-another-computer-or-device
- Quick sheet to get started with Source-Connect Pro and Pro X: https://support.source-elements.com/storage/resources/003_SCProProX39.jpg
Lesson Two
- Source-Connect Link documentation: https://support.source-elements.com/show/sourceconnect-39-pro-sourceconnect-link
- Source-Connect Link sample sessions: https://support.source-elements.com/show/sample-sessions-for-sourceconnect-pro
- Source-Nexus example workflows: https://support.source-elements.com/show/example-workflows-for-sourcenexus-13
Lesson Three
- Network Guides: https://support.source-elements.com/show/network-guide
- Port Forwarding Guide: https://academy.source-elements.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Port-Forwarding-Guide.pdf
Lesson Four
- Comprehensive Q Manager interface overview: https://support.source-elements.com/show/-comprehensive-q-manager-interface-overview-with-sourceconnect-39-pro
Lesson Five
- Where to add contacts in the Dashboard: https://dashboard.source-elements.com/apps/source-connect/contacts/
- Quickstart Checklist in PDF format: https://academy.source-elements.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/QuickstartChecklist.pdf